Definition of Risk: The potential for harm.
Definition of Quality: A characteristic or attribute.
Imagine you’re a seller of a software platform that identifies risks for your buyer. This could be a cybersecurity vulnerability analysis platform, a supply chain risk management platform, or a quality system compliance workflow.
Risk-based value proposition: “Our tool automatically identifies risks, so you can be fully informed about potential harms before they happen. Risk surveillance is required by FDA.”
Quality assurance value proposition: “Our tool automatically identifies potential deviations from your quality specifications, so you can make sure that the quality of your device is maintained over time. Quality is required by FDA, a legal commitment of your contracts, and is part of your brand identity.”
Imagine you are the receiver of these two messages. Which one feels like a better buy? Which one feels like it’ll make your life easier? Same technology, same underlying software, different mindset for the marketing approach.
~Shannon, the Optimistic Optimizer