How to get a submission through FDA
A few tips when crafting a (FDA CDRH) regulatory submission. Use Q-subs, it's like free FDA consulting Follow directions, get the basics...
Essays, Articles, Notes, and Resources
How to get a submission through FDA
Uncertainty != Risk
Tech innovation requires org innovation
Finding the hidden story for a 510k submission
For Better Risk Analysis, Stop Keeping Score
“Optimize” means “make the best of it”
What is Regulatory Innovation?
Deficiencies in AIs; What We Can Learn
How Cybersecurity Will Usher Speedier, Automatable Regulatory Decision-Making
Medtech Cybersecurity Expert Attrition
The critical outside voice: invaluable
Thinking about "Luxury" Healthcare
"Ready to submit" does not mean risk-free
FDA’s “New” Cybersecurity Requirements Are a Relief
Are CGMs good for the masses?
We can love new tech, despite its pitfalls